If you’re looking to build a lifetime career, appliance repair is a profitable skill to have. Once you know how to repair everyday household appliances safely and professionally, every neighborhood is a potential source of business. There is always a demand for repairs to household appliances. People need stoves, fridges, and laundry machines. They need dishwashers and chest freezers. Repairing these necessary home appliances is more affordable than buying new appliances, and more sustainable.
This makes appliance repair one of the great recession-proof industries. Low-key and a good way to preserve a household budget make appliance repair a great skill to have in any economy. It can even be said that appliance repair is contra-cycle, with business increasing when the economy dips. Even more, people seek repairs when new appliances are out of their price range.
1) Every Household Has Appliances
When a new house is built for sale, the appliances are included. Stove, fridge, and dishwasher are often considered essential aspects of a well-appointed home, with washer and dryer coming in a close second. Modern households cannot function without their appliances, which means nearly every family in every city will eventually require appliance repair. Every household has appliances, as appliances are an essential part of modern living. So it should come as no surprise that there is a steady demand for repairs.
These appliances are built to last, and part of that is repairing them for another ten years of service. Appliance repair demand is a constant based on the number of households in your area. Demand may rise or fall based on changes in the community or economy, but because homes must-have appliances, families will call for appliance repairs when things break.
2) Repairs are Needed on a Regular Basis
With so many appliances, millions in every city, appliance repairs are needed regularly. A large number of households have old finicky machines that have been there for decades and need constant repairs. A large body of your work will come from a rotation of neighborhood residents dealing with the usual variety of household appliance troubles. Loud washers, leaking dishwashers, and warm fridges are a constant concern for your surrounding community.
Every day, someone is dealing with a malfunctioning appliance and many of those people will call for repairs instead of enduring or replacing. There is always a demand for appliance repair because there are so many appliances in any neighborhood that repairs are always needed. In several thousand dishwashers, for example, a few every day will have sprayer arms or soap dispensers that need to be repaired.
3) Repairs are Affordable and Low-Hassle Compared to New Appliances
Appliance repair’s one competition just buying a new appliance instead. Most people at least consider “just replacing” an appliance rather than fixing it. But they soon realize this is an overrated solution. A new appliance involves a great deal of expense and hassle. To switch out appliances, the old appliance must be unhooked, removed from any built-in cabinetry. The giant machines must then be carried out and disposed of, which can have an additional expense and logistical hassle.
Then new machines are brought in and installed, including hooking it up to power along with water and a drain in many cases. This will take another day and require help to install the appliance. Cost aside, an hour or two of repairs is far less hassle and expense than buying new machines. Most people, when they weigh the realistic solutions, will call for repairs before buying a new appliance.
4) Budgets Make Repairs Better than New Purchases
When the economy slumps into a recession, appliance repair becomes even more important. New home appliances cost a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, which many households already don’t have to spare. During a recession when money is tight for everyone, fewer people are likely to buy new appliances and families will be more eager to seek repairs instead.
The expense of new appliances can be huge when savings are tight and the household budget doesn’t have room to splurge. This is the way that appliance repair is contra-cycle. The appliance repair business actually increases when the economy is down because people don’t want to spend on new appliances. Even when appliances are old and ready to be replaced, they will be repaired multiple times instead to tide over the recession until there’s money for a new one. Demand for appliance repair goes up when the economy goes down, so it’s a good business to have in any economy.
5) Appliance Repair Can Be Independent
Finally, remember that appliance repair can be done as part of a company or as an independent handy-person. Once you know the skills of appliance repair, you could start your own business or connect with clients directly online. You might work as part of a team of appliance repair technicians, providing a blanket of service over the local neighborhoods. You might work with a property management company as one of their on-call technicians to repair appliances for tenants. Or you can work freelance, start your own repair team, or even join the gig economy.This means that an appliance repair technician need not worry about the ebb and flow of local business. You can work with a great team or independently while serving the same constant local demand.
—Appliance repair is one of the most steady and reliable skills a person can have. Not only is it useful to know for your own purposes, but it’s a career opportunity that will stick with you for life. Whether the economy is up or down, whether you work alone or as part of a company or team, there will always be a demand for appliance repair and the skills will turn that into profit in your pocket. Learn appliance repair at Fred’s Appliance Academy, contact us today to find out more about our courses. We always look forward to meeting new student technicians and welcoming previous students who are back for more skills or a brush-up on the latest models.