
Four Important Benefits of On-Campus Appliance Repair Learning

Learning appliance repair is something you can do slowly over years or altogether over the course of a few weeks. It can be learned in apprenticeships or in the classroom. It can be learned alone or with teachers and colleagues. Here at Fred’s Appliance Academy, we don’t just offer appliance repair classes. We have on-campus courses that include student housing and a rigorous hands-on schedule of learning so that you can focus 100% on your appliance repair skills from the beginning to end of your training course.

On-Campus appliance repair may sound a bit unorthodox until you realize just how many people come to the academy to learn and from much further away than you might think. There are four important reasons why we decided to offer student housing and a full curriculum for our appliance repair courses and we’re here to share those reasons today.

Here is why on-campus appliance repair learning is more powerful and effective than a daily local class. 

In-Depth and Hands-On

The first major benefit of on-campus learning is that you are getting the most in-depth and hands-on experience possible. Fred’s Appliance Academy doesn’t just give you access to real appliances to work on. You are on a campus dedicated to appliance repair. This gives you the chance to take extra time to study the appliances, go over your coursework, and improve your skills between official class times.

When you stay in Fred’s Flats, the student housing included in your course, the classroom is never far away and you can maximize time spent either studying appliances or studying your books and notes. 

Spend Time with Others Learning Appliance Repair

Each student staying in Fred’s Flats gets their own bedroom in an apartment shared with one other student. The Flats are a small apartment building where your fellow residents will be students in the same class and course as you are taking. This not only makes it easy to get to class, but you also have companions who are studying the exact same coursework.

Together, you can compare notes, practice, and brush up on your important facts during your off-time while enjoying the Flat’s cable TV and wifi. You will not only learn more in the classroom than you expected in two or three weeks, but you will also be able to reinforce your knowledge by talking and socializing with others who are learning the same skills side-by-side.

Just like learning a new language, when you’re talking appliance repair both in and out of the classroom, the information is much more likely to stick. 

Come From Anywhere, Don’t Worry About Housing

Another major perk of on-campus learning at Fred’s Appliance Academy is that you don’t have to worry about where you’re staying while taking the course. You don’t have to rent a hotel room or book a three-week block with an Airbnb. You don’t have to stay with relatives or drive in several hours from wherever your house is located.

In fact, we even welcome the occasional technician who will fly in from another country to stay with us and take the intensive hands-on appliance repair coursework. Because the Flats are available for student housing, you can focus 100% on learning appliance repair without worrying about where you’re going to stay or how much that stay might cost. 

Complete Your Appliance Repair Training Fast

Finally, you will learn appliance repair so much faster with a focused on-campus course than taking community classes on the weekends. Focus all your learning time down into two or three concentrated weeks. Living near the classrooms with your fellow appliance student-technicians is the absolute best way to drive the new knowledge into your brain and let it settle in for a life-long addition to your skills and expertise.

With this approach, your free time is spent focusing on appliance repair, reviewing with your classmates, or letting the new facts percolate into your brain instead of being distracted by work or home-life routine. Come home an expert after two or three solid weeks focusing on exactly what you want to learn.

—Fred’s Appliance Academy is dedicated to helping technicians get the most hands-on and useful training experience possible, which is why we offer on-campus housing and encourage students to study together between classes. For more information about student housing, on-campus appliance training, or your plans to learn appliance repair, contact us today!

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Fred's Appliance Academy